Valentine Clinic

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Few get to fulfill their dreams, because education is still for the privileged. Yet despite that, a young man who didn’t grow up in a privileged home, who grew up without parents or a family who loved him, is beginning to fulfill his dream and God’s destiny for his life.

At 23, Francis opened his own medical medical clinic in January of 2015. How does a young man who was once an orphan boy do that? God.

Francis has not only been treating patient’s bodies, but also their souls. Employing a model known as Community Health Evangelism (CHE), Francis and his staff visit the surrounding community, laying hands on the sick and praying for their recovery, and offering free health training classes at the clinic. In everything he does, his first priority is to lead people straight to the Christ who saved him, to the Father of the Fatherless who defended him.

Your support through Remember the Poor assists Francis in providing  healthcare and healthcare training to those in the local community.

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