Financial Accountability

If we would be ashamed by full disclosure of our finances—everything from our salaries and all other sources of income to our proportion of giving—it’s an indication we should be living differently. ~ Randy Alcorn, Money, Possessions & Eternity, pg 275

We welcome both personal and corporate financial accountability.  Please feel free to e-mail us with any personal questions.

Financial Reports of Remember the Poor are available upon request.

US Accountability:

Remember the Poor requests and keeps on file the IRS copies of documents (such as land titles when land is purchased).  Often, receipts for purchases like sand, bricks, food, etc. are not available in Africa.  They always send us photos of the completed work.  And of course representatives and friends of Remember the Poor travel to our partner ministry sites each year.  So, we’re able to see the completed work in person.

Money is transmitted to Africa via wire transfer.  The board is notified of the details of every wire that goes out.  No one takes a salary–everyone who is connected with Remember the Poor volunteers their time.

Africa Accountability:

Pastor Experito is accountable to his board of elders at his church.  Francis is accountable to the Remember the Poor Board.  All partner ministries are required to send receipts and/or accounting for all monies received.

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