About Us

Remember the Poor is staffed and run entirely by volunteers.

Interested in volunteering? We’re almost always “hiring”!!  E-mail Cindy May.

Banner Photos

The photo on the left was taken when we (Frank and Cindy) were in Gulu, Uganda–an area of “The Invisible Children”.  The photo on the right was taken in Jinja, Uganda by John Mugabi.  The man in the photo is a friend, Charles, with his 6 recently orphaned nieces and nephews, who are now sponsored.

Board Members of Remember the Poor:

  • Cindy May
  • Frank May
  • Andrea Thiele
  • Bryan Thiele
  • Rowena Freelend
  • Tom Gender
  • Brad Keogh
  • Philip Mouw

Who We Are

All of the individuals below volunteer their time to help with our ministries.  Kisii and Gulu Ministries are originated in their countries and are run by indigenous people.  We on the US side serve in support roles.

Frank and Cindy May- U.S. Directors of Administration. E-mail us

US Leadership - Frank and Cindy May

John Mugabi, Frank and Cindy May

Frank and Cindy communicate with donors and with the sister-school (NCS), and oversee the U.S. side of the ministry.

We began partnering in ministry with John Mugabi in 1996. He was a young man of 19 years old, attending Bible School and leading a fledgling prison evangelism ministry. Cindy’s dad, Bill Phillips, began traveling to Uganda in 1994, and met John on one of his first trips there. He was impressed with John’s maturity, sincerity and faithfulness.

We were married in 1991 and hope someday to add children to our family through adoption.  For now, we are loving many little “chocolate drops”– as our family likes to refer to the children in Africa–from a distance.  We currently live in Phoenix, AZ.

We have been profoundly influenced by Randy Alcorn’s books on money—both The Treasure Principle and Money, Possessions & Eternity.

Mid-way through 2009, we read an article in Christianity Today about David Platt, pastor of The Church at Brook Hills in Birmingham, AL.  We watched “the most powerful sermon in the history of the Southern Baptist Pastor’s Convention,” and then delved into His sermon-series, RADICAL and Faith Works, which are gripping, compelling, challenging and anything but boring.  David Platt unapologetically speaks truth. We believe these video series are a must-see for every Christian.  You will see links to the sermon series at the top of the side bar at right.

Our prayer and hope for ourselves and for the body of Christ in the West is that we would delight in and worship God alone–not our personal comfort, enjoyment, entertainment, financial security, etc.  Our delayed obedience or disobedience in keeping so many resources for ourselves is costly for those in both physical and spiritual need around the world.

Bryan and Andrea Thiele- Director of Operations- E-Mail Andrea 

Andrea and Bryan Thiele

Bryan and I have 11 wonderful children, 4 “home-grown” (biological), and 7 adopted from China, Russia and Ethiopia.  Perhaps two things have impacted our lives the most:  The Worldwide Perspectives Class, and a Steven Curtis Chapman concert.  It was at his concert one night that I heard him talk about adoption and a seed of desire was sewn in my heart.  Now, 8 years later, we have adopted 5 children.  The Worldwide Perspectives (Pathways) Class is one that has transformed our understanding of our mission here in this world.  We attended the class, and then led it for several years.  It was at this class that we met Frank and Cindy and became fast friends.  We have partnered with Remember the Poor for several years, overseeing the partnership with the ministry in Kisii, Kenya, and in 2011, the board asked me to serve as their new Director of Operations.  It is one of my greatest pleasures in life to serve in this capacity.

Read the Thiele’s blog here.

Becki Brueggeman- Bookkeeper  E-mail Becki

Charlie and Becki Brueggeman

Charlie and Becki Brueggeman

Charlie and I have been married for….a lot of years! Ministry world-wide has been important to us, and we have supported many ministries. My father was a minister, and over the years we have had 13 family members in ministry, including one of our sons. In 2007, the boys from Uganda (Mark, Seggy, and Experito) burst into our lives, and we were changed forever! We fell in love with them and became burdened for our friends on the other side of the world. In 2014, we completed the Worldwide Perspectives course. That cemented our determination to continue supporting the Uganda ministries and Remember The Poor. I have been a bookkeeper for years and was delighted when Frank and Cindy asked me to be part of this ministry.